Among the most interesting of all the sources of information concerning the events and happenings "sometime back" were the entries and records in the personal family diaries and journals. Not infrequently specific references were made to matters, topics and decisions discussed in the meetings of that day. A grand uncle, John D. Burt, kept quite a detailed record in a journal of the proceedings and affairs of the High Priests and the United Order. And,

Clem's father and grandfather, among others of the clan, left written accounts of certain pertinent ecclesiastical affairs. Other memoranda have been set down in official minutes as matters of public record.


            Consistent with the assertion that the Priesthood reached into the personal and private lives of the people in a very real and detailed way, many of the meetings of that period, which might well be described as the patriarchal age of Mormonism, dealt with problems and issues pertaining to sheltering and counseling the women and youth of the Church, general community welfare, and the United Order.

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